Wellbeing is at the top of our agenda.
We are committed to pastoral care, looking after each and every pupil, taking into account their individual needs and interests.
We promote the importance of play and for children to have time to do what they enjoy.
By teaching children techniques and life skills to self-regulate, they can feel calm and face challenges positively.
During assemblies and in circle time as well as dedicated yoga and singing sessions, children are able to find their centre, focus on breathing and notice changes in their body as they transition into a calmer state.
When a child feels worried or sad, confused, fearful, nervous or overwhelmed and finds it difficult to verbalise or regulate their emotions, they can draw on a few techniques to help them to ride the wave, to bring down their blood pressure, slow down their racing heart to feel calmer and more still.
The children are learning how amazing their own bodies can be in terms of helping them to heal and feel better.
When pupils exercise and increase their heart rate, their endorphins are released and they feel more energised and positive. This can also work through singing, which brings joy to the soul.
A dedicated Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies Week takes place each spring with skipping workshops and visiting speakers such as doctors and representatives from the National Heart Foundation.