The Annemount garden is a much-loved feature of the school canopied by a venerable oak tree teaming with acorns, bird-life and squirrels.
The garden has different designated areas such as the Woodland Garden, designed by gardeners from the Woodland Trust and Kew. The children spend endless playtime hours building structures with logs and hunting out mini-beasts.
Along the lawn, which serves as a popular football pitch, stands an avenue of silver birches inspired by the Tate Modern.
The school has its own raised vegetable beds and sensory garden with herbs. The children enjoy participating in the planting and harvesting.
Playground equipment offers the children opportunities to develop physically as they climb, swing and balance.
The garden’s play area has many different outdoor resources used both for play and sport.
Athletics and PE take place in the garden as well as many lessons.
The youngest pupils have their own dedicated garden which is an extension of their classroom.